About Cute Dumb Orcs

A buyback-focused project of 1313 collectibles on Cardano, our objective is to bring informative and educational content to you. No discord shilling, no twitter spaces with backstage payments, no YouTuber being paid to talk about it. Just OG members talking about stuff no one have the patience to write down.

Check more information on our website.


As we have been watching, discords are a FOMO machine and don’t actually represent a community itself, you can buy bots, online bots, and people to talk and chat and make everything looks real. This is why we are going to have a closed, holder-only discord after our launch! Numbers actually don’t matter to us.

Join the Horde

We are a minded group that seeks the truth behind NFTs projects, Cardano NFTs are a baby in the belly and a high number of bad actors are taking this as an advantage to make a mass-mint and rug pull schemes, we are here to educate and talk about it in a polite way, without calling out anyone. If you start here as a Cute Dumb Orc, you will know what we are talking about.

We recommend you subscribe, your e-mail is secured by substack (this platform) and we are using it just to talk to you about information related to Cardano NFTs, without shilling out projects or making any partial comments on our articles.

Subscribing helps us to understand what is our audience, create a communication pattern, and deliver the content right into your e-mail box.

Subscribe to The Horde Newsletter

Bringing knowledge to Cardano community members, insert your best e-mail and we will make you a little bit less dumb.


Writing rich content so you'll stop being a Cute Dumb Orc and fall into rug pulls